Friday, February 3, 2017


I believe that many people, particularly in the U.S. are living a good life; perhaps even a great life, but they are not living their BEST life unless they are incorporating their natural skills, talents and abilities into their life in some way.

In my view, there is only one reason that you HAVE that skill, that natural gift or passion, and that reason is to use it!  If you park it on the shelf, put it on the back burner for "someday" you are depriving yourself and the world from the gifts  you have been blessed with, that are actually meant to enhance  your life and the lives of others.

"How can I pursue what I love with so many responsibilities staring at me every day? I don't really see a way to do that." you say.  "How can I live my best life, when I'm just trying to get by as it is?"  Here are some suggestions that may put you on the path to incorporating your core brilliance into your life in virtually any situation, and thereby "Live Your BEST Life!"

The biggest obstacle to living your best life is ... MINDSET!  Yes, even people who are not well known and who don't have much money can live their best life if their mindset is right!  However, for some, living their best life means being content, having love in their life, having all their necessities cared for and being happy doing what they love to do; what they have a knack for.  For others, living their best life does mean having a lot of money and the ability to travel the world and experience a luxurious lifestyle, doing what they love to do. 

You'll notice in both scenarios, the one thread running through each is that each person is doing what they love to do.  That is of key importance.  What about you?  What do you have a passion for? What do you excel at?  Is there something that you can do all day and the time would just fly by because you enjoy it so much and because you're good at it?  Picture doing THAT for a living, or at minimum, engaging in this activity on a regular basis.  

Since MINDSET is the #1 key to living your best life now, we will start with that!  If you notice a lot of self-doubt about your ability to live your best life; step out of your comfort zone and begin saying affirmations every day to bolster your self confidence an belief in your own abilities.  

Picture vividly in your mind what you would like to see your life look like.  Can you see it?  Help your mind get a clear picture of exactly what you want by creating a vision board and place it where you will see it every day (bedroom wall - bathroom, etc.). Use a vision BOOK if need be, so you can take it with you wherever you go. Load your poster board or your - 3 ring binder with pictures of what you want along with motivational quotes that will inspire you.  Then look at them several times a day; each and every day!

Read books on the subject or explore YouTube to find people who are doing what you want to do and see how they were able to align their life to accommodate their passion.  You can get a lot of great ideas by learning from the lives of others.

Start small.  Every step you take in the direction of  your dream gets you closer to the realization of it. "A hill is not too much to climb, taken one step at a time. - One step is not too much to take, one try is not too much to make. - One step, one try, one thought, one smile; will quickly stretch into a mile! - And everything worthwhile was done, but small steps taken one by one. - To see the goal you're striving for, take one step more, then ... one step more!"

If you are grateful for what you have already while you are striving for more, it will have a huge impact on what happens for you. Have an 'attitude of gratitude' and this will improve your mindset and increase your feeling of contentment on your journey. 

The one thing you DON'T want to do is WAIT!  Don't wait until the time is right, wait until the kids get older, wait until you retire, wait until you graduate, wait ... wait ... wait until someday or 'one of these days.'  Just begin where you are, start the process and don't hold back. "... weigh your time as precious jewels; 'someday' is a word for fools.  A word the wise will take heed.  Your 'somedays' are not guaranteed!" says the poem "Someday" in part. 
  • Uncover your passion, skill or natural gifts
  • Visualize incorporating them into your life by means of a Vision Board or Vision Book
  • View these pictures every day with the feeling of determination that this is where you're headed
  • Learn all you can about your talent and how others have capitalized on it
  • Begin to implement what you learned in baby steps 
  • First and foremost - deliberately create a positive mindset toward your dream
Do these things, and you will be well on your way to living your best life ... right now!

To your success,


Leanne Cannon

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